传承非凡的德系技术和大众品质,顺应中国消费者对于个性自我及美好生活方式的新需求,捷达,将致力于成为:高品质汽车品牌新典范,以大众汽车品牌全新子品牌的姿态与消费者共同开启汽车生活的新境界。 Building on extraordinary German engineering and famous Volkswagen quality, while reflecting the demands by modern Chinese consumers' for self-expression and a better lifestyle - Jetta will be devoted to becoming the high quality benchmark in‘the marketasa new sub-brand of Volkswagen brand,opening the door for a more mobile way of life for more people in more places. 新的捷达品牌下的车型将延续可靠性,安全性和高品质的珍贵特质;并将通过全新的设计,领先的核心科技,更多的车型选择,帮助中国消费者实现个性表达和彰显年轻的生活方式。新捷达品牌是进一步满足年轻用户购车需求的纯正德系品牌。 Made with love for China, the new Jetta brand retains the legendary German reliability, safety, and quality that first won the hearts of Chinese drivers. But with a fresh new design, solid core technologies and a variety of model options, Jetta will meet the demands of Chinese consumers for an outlet of self-expression and youthful lifestyle. Jetta is a new brand with German gene which is more affordable to young customers. 你好,我是捷达,携全新车型家族而来。 Hello. I am Jetta - coming with a whole new family of car models.
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